Untapped Potential: Web Presence for Small Business

As a small business owner, how much value can your website bring to your company?  You may already have a professionally designed, robust e-commerce site filled with dynamic information that is updated on a daily basis.  Instead, maybe you have a simple site filled with static content such as your mission statement or contact information.  Or are you among the majority of Australian small business owners who have no web presence at all? 

A recent blog post titled Being online IS worth the time and money addresses the common misconceptions many small business owners have regarding the value of their web presence.  This post highlights several factors unique to the small business market and addresses the key myth surrounding online sales.

In addition to these factors, there are several other potential benefits you should consider:

Making Your Business Seem Larger

A professional site with valuable content will help your customers take your business serious.  It’s important to remember that most potential customers and clients are unaware of your small business status.  If the design and content of your website is on par with those of larger competitors, your business will be perceived as a larger entity.

Meeting Expectations

Today’s average shopper expects business to have a web site.  If your target market is young, mobile, or tech savvy, the expectations for impressive, feature-rich design and dynamic content are even greater.   If your top competitors have web sites, you must ensure yours is equivalent at the very least if you wish to attract new clientele.  Ideally, your website should strive to top those websites in all aspects.  You should also determine if your clients have web sites.  If your clients understand the value of a web presence, they are more likely to expect the same from you.  

Lowering Marketing Costs

Obviously, selling products and services online are a great way to increase revenue.  However, not all small businesses are interested in pursing this option.  Instead you should consider an investment in marketing your products and services on your web site.  Web savvy consumers often begin their research by reviewing products and service information on your website.  If this information is unavailable, this group may pass you by.  Once this information is available on your web site, it can be easily distributed to potential clients without the need to print excessively.

In today’s Information Age, a web site is no longer an option, no matter how large or small your business may be.  Ensure your online strategy is reviewed and updated at regular intervals.  And remember, the only thing worse than not having a website is having an unprofessional and poorly maintained site that lowers the reputation of your business.

Find out how Wiliam's Web Development & Search Marketing can help you create a successful Online Strategy.