Natalie Ashes Team : Web Production Tags : Facebook

How to win Facebook fans

Natalie Ashes Team : Web Production Tags : Facebook

In the past few years the “thumbs up” has transformed from a casual gesture between friends to an online declaration of support or agreement to various messages. This transformation is a result of Facebooks integration of the “like” or thumbs up symbol. Users can “like” images, comments, links and products or services. Businesses using social media should encourage their customers to “like” their brands in order to connect with their customers and grow their database.

How to get users to “like” your business

A survey by ExactTarget and CoTweet has found that the underlying motivation for showing company support is to receive discounts and promotions. 40% of “likers” are doing so in order to receive product discounts, while 37% are doing it to show support for the company. If you need to grow your companies’ Facebook fan base the way to do this is by offering incentives for support. Whether you’re a clothing brand, travel agent or bakery you can run promotions such as giving 10% discounts to people who like and promote your business. This will persuade the maybe “likers” to support your brand and offer a reward for the fan base who would possibly be doing it anyway.