Martin Abrahams Team : Web Development Tags : Web Development Umbraco

Umbraco: Implementing security in Umbraco CMS Custom Sections

Martin Abrahams Team : Web Development Tags : Web Development Umbraco

When you inevitably need to integrate with a 3rd party system into the Umbraco CMS, Umbraco gives you a simple means to achieve this through Custom Sections. With a Custom Section you can embed an external page into the CMS or you can create a custom ASPX page and utilise the umbracoPage MasterPage which gives you consistent UI styling and access to the core objects.

This makes life very easy, the only thing missing is integrated security. By inheriting your custom page from umbraco.BasePages.UmbracoEnsuredPage (instead of umbraco.BasePages.BasePage) it protects the page from public access and inherits the CMS user permissions from your Custom Section.

Now your custom page is seamlessly integrated with Umbraco!