Wiliam Staff Team : Staff Tags : Business

5 Way to Improve the Effectiveness of Viral Marketing

Wiliam Staff Team : Staff Tags : Business

An article written by Thomas Baekal on November 23rd 2006 discussed 7 tricks to Viral Web Marketing. The article gave some helpful tips for improving the effectiveness of viral marketing campaigns. By keeping to a few fundamental ideas and strategies viral marketing can prove to be very effective. 
Here are a few things to consider for your next viral marketing campaign:

1. Trigger Emotions
Be it a controversial opinion, idea or a breakthrough, your viral campaign must trigger the emotions of the viewer. The emotion could be positive, negative. Whatever the emotion may be the trigger must be strong enough for the viewer to act upon.

2. Sharing is caring
The whole reason why a campaign is viral, is because the news is spread by users. Your campaign is so great that they immediately want to share it with friends and pass the message on.  Therefore the facilities must be there for them to easily share with friends. Wiliam recommends the following sharing capabilities with viral marketing:
- Tell a friend features, allows you to easily forward the viral campaign to friend’s emails
- The ability to easily download your viral marketing campaign
- The ability for others to embed your video, audio or image
- Broadcast you campaign to Web 2.0 websites like digg and YouTube
- Allow people the ability to easily bookmark and store your viral campaign, have facilities such a del.icio.us, furl and RSS web feeds available.

3. Connecting all the way
An effective viral marketing campaign allow excited users to connect with the event. Make sure users who want to participate and voice their opinions get the opportunity their deserve, the ability to comment. You have already captured their attention why not make the most of it and allow them to participate further.

It has always been a matter of opinion to moderate comments all not. It’s important to keep and objective view, don’t be afraid to allow both positive and negative comments.

4. Access, Access and Access
The easy it is to gain access to your viral marketing campaign the more effective the results will become. Never require users to register, signup or do anything before they can view your campaign. The attention span of your audience is already short, you don’t want to waste the opportunity of getting you message through by losing people through churn.

5. Advertisements is boring
No-one is interested in watching ads, the best viral campaigns have a story and idea behind it. Nobody wants to read, watch or listen to someone brag about their product. Some of the best campaigns are a story and the product can be easily substituted with any product.
So there you have it, the top 5 ways of improving the effectiveness of you viral campaign. Make sure if you ever want to spend lots of money on marketing ventures you consider the possibilities of a much wiser viral marketing campaign.
If you would like more information on viral marketing, Wiliam has extensive experience in designing, creating and producing successful viral marketing campaigns. Please contact us on 02 9978 8888.