Should You Consider Podcasting

There’s little doubt that podcasting has found a market. In 2008, the number of users who have downloaded a podcast surpassed 6 million. Podcasts are often associated with Apple’s popular iPod line of products. Although iTunes may still be the most popular platform for acquiring podcasts, there are numerous other ways to subscribe and download this form of media. It isn’t necessary to own an MP3 player. Since most PCs can play podcasts, your available audience might be larger than you think.

Podcasting can provide an unprecedented medium for connecting with your target market. Traditional methods of communication utilizing text and photo can present your message clearly. However, this can lack the personal touch that many users prefer. Podcasting gives you a voice both literally and figuratively. The tone and inflection by the human voice not only provides richer communication, it also helps users connect with the speaker. This can be crucial in building customer loyalty.

Another challenge is capturing the attention of your audience. Most users today are distracted easily and have short attention spans. Podcasts can be an excellent way to stand out because they generally provide something of value to the user. Since podcasts are portable, they can be downloaded and played at the user’s convenience. Listeners can enjoy your podcasts while traveling, at work, or while performing other tasks. This versatility increases the likelihood your message will actually be heard.

As with any investment, it’s important to consider all aspects before choosing to continue. Podcasting will not work in all niches. You must consider your average user. Are they likely to download and listen to podcasts? If not, the decision is simple. If your users are likely to participate, then ensure you are ready to handle the responsibilities that successful podcasting will require. As with blogging, your subscriber base will only grow if you provide valuable content on a regular basis. The technical requirements of producing podcasts are higher than more traditional methods. Producing a high quality podcast will also require adequate recording equipment. Always remember that while there will be benefits from a well managed podcast, there can be negative results from one that is poorly run.