Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Business

Flying? Thank the Internet.

Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Business

From The Sydney Morning Herald (400m book flights online: claim), 400 million a year of us are now using the Internet to book our flights.

According to SITA Information Networking Computing (a technology company owned by a number of airlines), the airline industry stands to save around AUD$1.58bn per year as a result of the Internet and its benefits.

A SITA spokesperson said that technology and the Internet was extending to other sectors of the travel industry: US passenger train service Amtrak recorded 17,269 Thanksgiving bookings in a single day (November 21) this year, a sizeable number of man and telephone hours saved by any measure.

Further reading on the SITA website seems to indicate that the booking claim coincides with the 10th anniversary of online flight bookings.