Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Business

Teens and their blogs. Lot`s of blogs.

Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Business

A survey of Britain's youths - between 14 and 21 - reveals that a third of those with access to the Internet have either their own blog, website or both.

According to The Guardian:

That's a phenomenal change on a number of fronts: in the way people perceive technology, the way they perceive themselves, and the way they negotiate the still-fresh territory of online identity.

I've written a few pieces recently on the importance of businesses, CEOs and senior management embracing corporate blogging. As the next generation of consumer obtains a credit card and the urge to replace the iPod they received for their eighteenth birthday from mum and dad, the benefit to those business that have embraced those mechanisms for communication relevant to today's youth, will be substantial.