Tags : Tips & Tricks

Showcase your online skills

Tags : Tips & Tricks

There are millions of web designers and developers out there who are in a constant demand due to the nature of their work flow: freelance. And due to this demand they are forever in the need of updating their portfolios, mainly because the internet and its varying degrees of progression force these experts to ‘keep up’. And in order to keep up and to present themselves in a timely fashion they have a great need to update their sites. Sure, its a vicious circle, but a circle that needs to be pampered and adhered to.

And now there are communities out there that are catering for time poor designer and developers who need to keep updated but can’t update their personal web sites. Let me show you an example.


Site like these offer a huge range of add ons and extensions to allow the user to showcase their work. Here is a typical list:

• Free online portfolios for designers and web developers
• Creative job listings
• Worldwide design agency directory
• Create and manage your personal showcase instantly
• Embed your showcase into an external web page
• Import your Flickr sets directly to your page
• Upload up to 20 images at the same time
• Watermark your images with a watermark tool
• Add your resume and instantly generate a PDF
• Track your portfolio's performance with Google Analytics

And there are plenty more. So when you’re time poor and in need of more work, have a look through some of these online folio communities and start taking the hassle out of your day.