Jason Deacon Team : Web Development Tags : Technology Common Sense Tips & Tricks User Experience Featured

As if we needed another reason not to use Internet Explorer

Jason Deacon Team : Web Development Tags : Technology Common Sense Tips & Tricks User Experience Featured

It's not uncommon for Internet Explorer to be exploited for malicious purposes as most of us in the web industry know, but when an exploit of this scale becomes known it's a bit hard to fathom why anyone would still use it.

We often encounter large corporate clients which use Internet Explorer exclusively through IT policies and almost always they are very outdated versions (IE 6-8) which causes endless issues when it comes to them testing out their brand new HTML5 site they've just paid to have built.

Budget to upgrade and scale of upgrading throughout the business if often touted as the reason why the versions are not updated, but in the opinion of this lowly web developer, they are pathetic excuses. With these kinds of security vulnerabilities present in Internet Explorer (this isn't the first time) running IE exclusively in a corporate environment poses a very significant risk. What value would you place on your corporate network security?

Just roll out another browser. Pick Chrome or Firefox and let them be updated automatically. Take the burden off your IT department and give your users the browsing experience suitable to the decade that we live in.

FYI, the original Microsoft Security Advisory is here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/2963983.aspx