How to automatically syndicate your website content with social media

Whether a website publishes blogs, recipes, news articles or item reviews, getting exposure to your content through multiple social media platforms can be a verbose task.

A common scenario would be if you have a recipe of gluten free falafels on your website and decide this is worth propagating through social media to help generate much traffic to your site. Typically you would then decide to individually create Twitter, Facebook and Google+ posts through each social network with a recipe summary and a link to your site.

This is where it is useful to automate syndication of your content to social media. One of the tools out there that can help with this is Hootsuite.

Hootsuite has a feature which polls one or more RSS feeds of articles and automatically publishes the current relevant ones to multiple social networks at once (and currently supports up to 7 social networks, first 2 are free).

Thanks to this automated process, repetitively posting ground breaking recipes or other piece of content are a thing of the past!

Note: it is important to content manage your rss feed so only the cream of the crop is published to your social networks, otherwise you may be doing more harm than good.