Tags : Web Design

Texturising the Web

Tags : Web Design

You know how clients sometimes say "can you make this website POP?", well we've got the magic answer to that ambiguous question. TEXTURES! Yes, they are a god send and a perfect way of adding depth to any website and therefore making it pop. Adding a texture in the background can instantly lift a site.

Textures can also draw attention to elements such as icons and highlight them against a plain background. Or vice versa can be done where a textured background is used and the call to action is flat, the same effect will be created.

The thing I love most about textures is that it gives the website an vibe and personality to it. It adds a wow factor and point of difference to an otherwise bland design.

Although there are a few things to remember with textures. Don't over do it, textures are best and most effective when used sparingly. They do add something special to the site but don't forget a website still needs to be user friendly, so if the texture makes it difficult for the user to navigate, read or interact with the site, it's best to tone it down. The texture should compliment the site not detract from it.

Now I know you would be itching to play with some textures so I'll leave you with this website and two words: you're welcome.