
Most recent blogs in the jQuery category

Bess Batterham Team : Web Operations Featured

Wiliam does City2Surf 2014

The only thing that runs faster than our team, are our websites.

Andrea James

Friendlier Password Validation in .NET MVC with Custom Validation

The only thing more annoying than trying to choose a password that meets arbitrary complexity rules is trying to choose a password when you don’t know why your first choice of password was rejected.

Sirisha Ancha

JQuery - Dynamically create nested HTML elements

There are various various ways to create dynamic HTML content. Here is a brief introduction to writing elegant and maintainable code.

Sirisha Ancha

Ajax with MVC - Passing HTML data as a list of objects

There could be scenarios where an Ajax call made to a MVC Controller Action need to pass a complex list of objects along with other parameters.

Sirisha Ancha

MVC JsonResult: returning view and data at the same time

There could be scenarios where an Ajax call made to a MVC Controller Action is expected to return more information along with a partial view. To achieve this the view is returned as a string along with all the parameters needed.

Sirisha Ancha

Handling AJAX Postbacks using the UmbracoApiController

A brief introduction to using UmbracoApiController for Ajax requests.

Simon Miller

Sorting with Nestable and Bootstrap MVC

We’ve all had to write a drag-and-drop sorting module in the past, but this combination of jQuery plugin, Bootstrap MVC theme and .NET makes short work of it.

Simon Miller

AJAX and providing the illusion of efficiency

When you use AJAX on your website, be sure to give your users a visual cue that something happened when they pressed that button.

Jason King

Twitter's Typeahead plugin and KnockoutJs

A Knockout binding that integrates Twitter's Typeahead jQuery plugin

So Su

JQuery Mobile: Bad to worse!

A mobile framework that nobody asked for.

Benjamin Tinker

jQuery it up. But not too much.

Websites are becoming more and more dynamic. jQuery is great to this extent... though only to an extent.

Vince Scordino

Using jQuery with CSS Media Queries

As the world goes mobile, as web developers, we have a number of approaches available to us in terms of device detection and whether we go server-side or client-side.

Benjamin Tinker

AJAX – Hooking it together.

The preferred visual effect is when clicking a submit button you see a loading icon and then the page magically refreshes itself without ‘blinking’ that you get from traditional form posts.

Matthew Cox

Visual Studio Intellisense for jQuery

Intellisense for javascript was one of the best new features to come with Visual Studio 2008, and now intellisense has come to jQuery.

Vince Scordino

jQuery – Website Eye Candy

In the fast-changing world of Web 2.0, a developer always joins forces with one of the many JavaScript libraries available. A couple of my favourite plug-ins include:

Wiliam Staff

The best Web 2 jQuery javascript plugins

The best plugins for the jQuery JavaScript library for your websites.

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