Will it ever end?

It can be hard when a large scale development project takes a long time to be realised and launched. It’s a big investment on many levels; financial, institutional, mental and emotional. It takes concentrated effort on the part of your development partner and your own team. So it’s no wonder that there are times when you ask yourself “Will it ever end?”

One of the biggest misconceptions in the world of web development is the idea that projects ever really finish. The simple truth is that the only way a web project actually ends is if it dies.

Let me put it like this, a web development project is like building a business; if you succeed then you keep on growing and developing.  You will always have new ideas that you want to bring to your online business and new things that you want to try out. As technology and user behavior changes around you, you will find ways to harness these things for your own growth and success.

If you embrace change and enjoy the development of your online business alongside your online offering, then you’re primed for continued success on the web. Successful projects never end, they grow, change and evolve – that’s why they’re successful.

The only way to actually end a web project is to fail at it, and there’s no more certain way to fail online than to think that your project is ‘finished’.

So when my clients ask the question “Will it ever end?” I always reply “Not if we get it right.”