Wiliam Staff Team : Staff Tags : Technology

Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Changing the way of Search Engine Optimisation

Wiliam Staff Team : Staff Tags : Technology

Since June 2005, Google has created its Google's Sitemaps protocol, allowing website owners to manually submit their pages to Google.

We in turn get better feedback and knowledge if Google has actually crawled our website.

The most exciting thing in the world of web development and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is that we no longer have to create separate submissions to different search engines. Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have joined together to adopt a universal Web index tool Sitemaps 0.90. Sitemaps 0.90 is an easy way for web developers to notify various search engines and to submit a breakdown of the information of their website.

A much faster, efficient and effective way to search engine optimisation.

Wiliam has extensive experience, knowledge in providing a variety of search engine optimisation techniques to your website. For further information please contact us directly.