Common Sense

Most recent blogs in the Common Sense category

Matthew Bruce Team : Web Production Featured

These tablet experiences suck

I love my tablet. Until I was given one a couple of years ago, I never thought I'd like tablets as much as I do now. But that's not to say there aren't a few things that annoy me - and it's not the fault of the device. Fair warning, if you're not interested in a self-indulgent venting of certain tablet design 'faux pas' then move on. Otherwise, let me enlighten you as to why it's time to put an end to these all-too-familiar scenarios.

Matthew Bruce Team : Web Production Featured

How's business? Are you on-line yet?

If you're reading this, chances are this blog is irrelevant to you. But it's still interesting.

Jayde Smith Team : Web Production Featured

How Music Affects Your Productivity

Does music itself help one to create?

Matthew Bruce Team : Web Production Featured

The holy trinity of a successful project

This week I had cause to remind a couple of colleagues of the 'iron triangle' - a representation of the relationship between the forces that combine to constrain any project. Sometimes also referred to as the 'scope triangle' or 'quality triangle', it is also a traditional measure of project success.

Kathleen Shrimpton

Some Great F**king Startup Advice

This new startup advice is straight to the point. Excuse my french.

Tom Nason

Is cart abandonment killing your business?

An example of an eCommerce site that NEARLY got it right. Learn what they did wrong and how you can avoid the same pitfalls.

Josh Shardlow

Why your site needs a CMS

Not all sites are created equal. Websites that give their owner control over content will inevitably, over time outperform those without.

Josh Shardlow

Don't be content without content

Developing content early in the prototyping phase of your project is essential for a good design outcome.

Maximillian Crawford-smith

Designing the web for people

As web designers we should intrinsically understand UX, but every now and then someone comes up with something truly inspired.

Jason Deacon

What I want from a CMS: Part 2 - Extensibility

Last time I talked about Structure Change Management and the impact it has on your website. This time I talk about something almost as boring.. extensibility in content management systems!

Robert Beerworth

I like connects Instagram fans to the eCommerce websites selling the gear they want to buy.

Natalie Ashes

10 tips for increasing database subscribers with an email popup: the dos and don'ts that actually work

Grow email subscribers three to five times the rate than you're probably doing now.

Josh Shardlow

Where do I start with testing?

Don't get frazzled with the vast array of data available through google analytics. Knowing where to start your analytics journey is just common sense.

Robert Beerworth

Why your agency should consider Special Ed

Training is a growing thing in our business, and Special Ed is my favourite.

Adam Tedeschi

One of us, one of us... smart phones, dumb humans

We are so connected we separate ourselves from everything around us. It’s crap! Sad, lonely, boring. I am over it.

Robert Beerworth

Trapping your audience is a sign of fear

Give users what they want and you'll get what you deserve.

Jayde Smith

4 quick tips to optimize your conversion forms for better leads

It's going to be really hard to capture high-quality leads from your website without conversion forms. And by understanding the elements of a well optimised conversion path, you would realise that forms work best when placed on page with an offer or opportunity which visitors simply can't forget.

Adam Tedeschi

Combining Design Thinking and Strategic Thinking

Under-thinking a problem can be just as devastating as over-thinking it

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