Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Media

Woody Allen is great, whatever you think...

Robert Beerworth Team : Web Strategy Tags : Media

This has nothing whatsoever to do with web design or web development, though I think it's funny. And who doesn't like funny...

From the 1972 Woody Allen movie, Play it Sam

Woody Allen
: That's quite a lovely Jackson Pollock, isn't it?

Museum Girl
: Yes, it is.

: What does it say to you?

: It restates the negativeness of the universe. The hideous lonely emptiness of existence. Nothingness. The predicament of Man forced to live in a barren, Godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation, forming a useless bleak straitjacket in a black absurd cosmos.

: What are you doing Saturday night?

: Committing suicide.

: What about Friday night?