When to use HTML 5?

HTML 5 is still in development, but developers are keen to implement it now. However, due to the lack of cross browser compatibility for html 5, and the large percentage of people who don’t use HTML5 compliant browsers, clients can be wary about developing a site in HTML5 and alienating alot of users/customers.

So what can we use safely at this point?

  • Changing your doctype. Simply changing your doctype to HTML5 is as simple as adding , ask google, they’re doing it.
  • Simplify your character set 
  • Simplify your script and style elements
  • Use block level linking
  • Get into the habit of using HTML5 class names in your HTML4 markup
  • Use the new form input types, as they degrade gracefully
  • Use elements such as
  • Use the video and audio elements, and then make them degrade gracefully (see our article on audio or Video for Everybody)


Implementing these small changes now will make the transition from HTML4 to HTML5 alot more smooth and natural, for the developer and the client.