Atlassian $1billion Australian Company - something must be working...

Who are atlassian?

Read it yourself :

In a nutshell they create the most advanced, effective and relevant project management tools for web & software companies.

I’ve written a few blogs at Wiliam around the effectiveness of agile development frameworks and scrum ,  and with the recent valuation of Atlassian coming in at nothing short of $1 billion ; it just goes to show – it simply must work.

JIRA, Attlasian’s flagship product, is pretty much mandatory now if you consider yourself serious about developing information technology. Each agency seems to have their own spin on how to best to utilise JIRA; however I’m going to share with you a few things we have learnt by using this great tool.

Planning Board:

This is where pretty much begin really. Identify all your stories,   create tasks & relvant sub task – and you are basically starting to shape your  “product backlog” work items. From there – split the me up into sprints!

Task Board

I really like this view, so does our Production Director ;) 

Apart from the fact that I love the simple nature of Kanban; this really works for me because at any quick glance I know where I am at, what is in progress and what needs doing within that sprint.

Burn Down

A happy client is a client who knows exactly when and how quickly they are getting what they are after. This tool is godsend for PM’s out there. Once task and story points are completed in the task board switch to the Release board to seeyou’re your team is tracking relative to your sprint time line. 

The burn down is so effective because it shows you your current velocity, how much has been achieved and most importantly the estimated time under which the sprint will be achieved.


In conclusion:

When Atlassian go public, consider investing..