Tags : Web Design

The Evolution of Web Design

Tags : Web Design

Since the dawn of time, man has been on a mission. A mission to eat, a mission to work, a mission to build, and a mission to… surf.

The first man (homo sapiens- the forerunner of the modern human) is hypothesised to have evolved somewhere between 250,000 and 400,000 years ago. In scientific history, this is nothing when compared to the earth being formed around 4.54 billion years ago!

One step for man, one leap for mankind...

Where am I going with these very rough and unsupported facts and figures? Just trying to set the scene about the baby that is Web Design. 

The first website was published by Tim Berners-Lee a mere 20 years ago- that's just as I was starting kindergarten! Since that humble begin in 1991, web design as an industry has come a tremendously long way. From simple text-based sites to CSS, responsive designs, and mega footers!

Follow this link to view a detailed and amusing info-graphic walk down memory lane into the evolutionary tale of web design, which to us at Wiliam, is still our 'baby'.