Tags : Web Design

Embracing Great Typography

Tags : Web Design

I came across a design issue the other day where I had to create a spotlight box with very limiting/plain elements. How could I still draw attention to it without overloading the page and introducing a different style? Solution = Great typography!

Think back to the classic Penguin book covers, they are pure typography and personally I think have stood the test of time as they are still visually pleasing.

Being web based media, we sometimes overlook fancy fonts because in the past it hasn't been beneficial to use them. Now we are coming into a new era where technologies like Fontdeck and Typekit are making it easier to create a SEO friendly website which is also aesthetically pleasing. Graphics no longer need to be the focus as we can use typography (and maybe some cool CSS3 animation) to engage the user too, e.g.: http://www.chillipear.com/