Online Trends for 2009

As 2008 comes to a close the focus shifts to 2009 and all the possibilities this year holds. While no one knows what the future will hold with 100% accuracy there are several trends that you are likely to see in the near future.

Mobile Optimization
With popular smart phone releases such as the iPhone and the Blackberry Storm, 2008 saw a significant increase in the number of mobile Internet users. As this trend continues, businesses will optimize their web presence to capture this emerging market. Websites will become more lightweight. This trend may have an impact on the use of Flash and other technologies that are not compatible with mobile technology.

Mobile Search
Not only will websites optimize for mobile consumers they will incorporate new search elements targeted to this market as well.  Mobile users have vastly different needs than the traditional Internet user. They are looking for directions to the nearest retailer, condensed product information and reviews of local entertainment venues. Although there is no clear cut way to approach this challenge yet it is sure to be a top priority for online retailers.

Demand of Increased IT Productivity
The decline of the global economy will have a significant impact on IT operations. To cut costs, these operations must become more efficient. Frivolous and extravagant investments will see a decline while the ability to demonstrate a solid return on investment will be critical.

Reserved Consumer Spending
The economy will also have a dramatic effect on how the average consumer shops. Many users will also cut back on frivolous and extravagant purchases. Business will need to downplay luxury items and highlight practical purchases. Consumers will also look for ways to stretch their limited resources. They will be more likely research purchases, consider peer reviews and wait for special offers.

Social Media Integration
2008 saw a dramatic increase in both the number of social networking sites and the number of users participating. However, users are becoming overwhelmed by their massive networks and the management they require. To simplify management and keep users engaged expect to see integration points development between social media networks.