Website Improvements – Keeping In Touch

The website is complete and absolutely everyone (in an ideal world) is happy with the end result. The site has been deployed live on the web and visitors are flocking to the site like bees to a hive. Conversion rates are up and things couldn’t be better….until…

Months go by and you soon discover that the number of visitors going to your site, the conversion rates and general enquiries has substantially dropped. You ponder at what you could be doing wrong, or more so what could you be doing to change this situation.

Below are some effective website improvements that you can consider adding to your site which aim to retain users of your site and hopefully generate positive word of mouth that will see referrals to your website increase.

  • eNewsletters - incorporate a facility to allow your users to subscribe to a newsletter; providing a great opportunity to offer your visitors the ability to register to receive updates on a variety of issues pertaining to your industry. For example, a Real-estate agent can capture users willing to register and can then grow their eDM list of subscribers whom want to receive offers or find out about the latest industry changes. An Agent then has the ability to drive missed opportunities back to the site and establish an ongoing relationship with its target audience.
  • RSS - allow your target audience to easily retrieve the latest content added to your site via an RSS feed. More and more sites are beginning to syndicate content by adopting RSS Feeds to allow their valued users to stay informed.
  • Blogs - cost effective when you consider the marketing potential it can derive, engaging, and a resource of competitive intelligence. These are just some words to describe the benefits of having a blog on your site. Keep in touch with your target audience, who knows, they might turn out to be the key to determining a change in the current market trends before your competitors and media stream recognize it.