Jeff Huang Team : Web Design Tags : Web Design

Jeff's sites of the week - 08

Jeff Huang Team : Web Design Tags : Web Design



Stunning images, with a great team photoshoot! 




Hopesandfears has very interesting content, the site seems catered for curious peeps. They customise every article to look right in a very smart way.


Immersive Garden


I inspected the code they did in the super slick scrollable nav. Basically the method they used was duplicating the “project list” on top of itself, then wrapping the duplicated one into a shorter height of container <div> that hid everything outside of the box (over-flow : hidden) that achieved the mask effect on nav. The scroll bar moves the nav and the project content by portion. Lastly, they reveal the nav by adding a class when the scroll bar is active. 

Ever manifesto 


Love the full screen interactive navigation! And the text animation in article page is cool.

Mark Tessier Landscape Architecture 


They built the site as a single page application to make it smooth when navigating between pages.