Jamming more things on your website doesn’t automatically make it better

The web changes and it can change quite quickly. In this heady and fast-paced environment it’s often very tempting to add every new trendy tool as soon as you possibly can.

Facebook? Get it on the site. Blogging? Get it on the site. Twitter? Put it on the site. Actually, let’s get the CEO a twitter and the shareholders will see they’re getting value for money. What if we put streaming radio on the site? It’d kind of be like hold music. How about we add a video channel? More videos is better, right?

If you follow this sort of thinking, then there’s a good chance you’ve still got a geoCities visit counter on your site.

The real danger of course, is that your site will end up looking like a confused mess of social networking trend following, instead of looking like the focused and successful site it should be.

Take the following example, do you think this site has enough social networking options?


Most of the time less really is more. The next time you’re inspired to add something to your site, make sure it’s got a legitimate reason to be there before you throw it on the page.