Natalie Ashes Team : Web Production

Heat map your videos!

Natalie Ashes Team : Web Production

I just stumbled across this software. It looks awesome!

The key features I like:

  • Smooth video playback on any device
  • Customisation of the look and feel
  • You can create a call to action on the video
  • Add an email collection after the video. (Why have I never thought of this before? If someone has watched a whole video of course you should be asking for their email address)


BUT most importantly: 

  • It tracks how every person watches your video (second by second)
  • Each view has its own heatmap showing you what parts were watched, re-watched or skipped


  • It features a really cute dog called Lennie!


If you are spending money making videos on your site why wouldn't you invest in tracking and gathering leads from them. It seems like a no brainer.