Edwin Antonian Team : Web Design Tags : Web Design User Experience Featured

Good story telling

Edwin Antonian Team : Web Design Tags : Web Design User Experience Featured

It’s been said that we consume about 34 gigabytes of information per person each day (http://hmi.ucsd.edu/howmuchinfo_research_report_consum.php)

With so much information hitting us on a daily basis it’s essential to simplify how we design websites and consequently simplify the stories we aim to tell with them.

“In reality there has not been an information explosion, but rather an explosion of non-information, or stuff that simply doesn’t inform” (Information Anxiety by Richard Saul Wurman)

Once we get the story right (both visually and via written content) viewers are more likely to give you their attention. That is if you make the journey fun for them rather than force them to read paragraphs about your company and why you’re the best.

Great examples of good story telling designs



