Adam Tedeschi Team : User Experience Tags : Web Design Business Online Trends

Focus Groups During Web Design

Adam Tedeschi Team : User Experience Tags : Web Design Business Online Trends

Have you ever invested considerable resources into designing a website only to have the finished product fail to gain the attention from visitors you had hoped? If so, you are not alone. Design and development teams can become so wrapped up in the design process that the interests of the target audience are forgotten. So, how can you help prevent this situation from occurring on your next project? You should consider adding a focus group to your mix.

A focus group is a small set of individuals who represent a sample of your target audience. Members of this group share their thoughts and opinions on the topic at hand. The goal is to further understand what this group needs from your site.

Focus groups are generally inexpensive to conduct and can be completed in a relatively short amount of time. While on the other hand, the cost of misunderstanding your customers’ needs could be enormous. The time and financial resources used due to a redesign add quickly. If users feel the site doesn’t meet their needs, they will most likely take their business elsewhere.

If you would like to run a focus group, here are a few things to consider:

Set an Up Front Goal
Setting a goal for your focus group is critical to its success. The goal must be clearly communicated to your group. Focus groups are generally performed in a casual setting. Without clear direction, your focus group may continually wander off topic.

Use a Skilled Moderator
Each focus group will have unique dynamics based on the participants. An experienced moderator will not only ensure that the meeting stays on track but they will assist when the dynamics of the group become detrimental to new thoughts and ideas, such as a group member who continually dominates the discussion.

Consider Recording the Discussion
The casual nature of a focus group can make it difficult to accurately capture key points discovered during the process. By recording the meeting, these points can be reviewed as often as necessary.

Although a focus group cannot provide all the answers regarding the best design for your site, it can give you a valuable perspective of your site through the eyes of your users with minimal effort.