Do Your EDMs Reach Their Potential?

Apparently just having a send to a friend link on your EDMs is no longer the only method for making an email go viral.

A recent article from, Making your emails go viral, suggests that email forwarding is becoming old fashioned and we are starting to see network sharing links within EDMs.

Now that said, almost 50% of email campaigns still do not include any sharing options (shocking); but of the other half who do, 6% are using share with your network tools as the viral component of their EDM, and 7% use both network sharing and my old favourite send to a friend.

Facebook leads the way with 100% of EDMs with network sharing links including Facebook. Which brings me to why wouldn’t you include these links? Where a send to a friend function enables users to select friends and email the message individually, posting a link on facebook enables a user to share the same message with their entire network in one click. The way I see it you’d be crazy not to.