The Benefits of Commenting on Blogs

Do you ever leave comments on the blogs you read? If not, you may want to consider engaging in this practice. Adding blog comments can offer several benefits:

Build a Network
Whether intentional or not, blogs build community. If you participate in comments, you are likely to meet fellow readers with similar interests. Perhaps you’ll meet your next business partner.

Raise Awareness
When you leave a comment, you are announcing your presence and the presence of your business. This is a great way to ensure your brand is seen by individuals with similar interests.

Drive Traffic
If you post your web site address, there’s a good chance that curious readers will visit your site. This can be helpful in introducing your web site to users who may have similar interests but may not normally come across your business.

Increase Your Comments
When you post on a blog, there’s a chance that the author of the blog will return the favor and comment on yours.

While these benefits may sound promising, you will only see these results if you follow these guidelines:

Stay Relevant
Stick with blogs that are relevant to your industry. The key to building interest in your brand is to find users who are already drawn towards your line of business.

Add to the Conversation
One of the biggest mistakes that individuals make when commenting is to post generic or unrelated information. Before you begin your response, ensure you have read the entire article. If your post is off topic or sounds like a personal advertisement, you run the risk of having the author moderate your comment. Well written, thoughtful comments can help build your industry authority as well.

Include the Correct Information
As obvious as it may sound, it’s surprising how many individuals forget to include important information in their comments. At the very least, you should include your name, the name of your business and your website address. Without this information, it will be nearly impossible to reap the benefits.

Stay Professional
As with anything that bears the name of your business, keep your comments as professional as possible. Always use good grammar and check spelling. If the discussion becomes heated, refrain from name calling or other behavior that could tarnish your reputation.