Sirisha Ancha Team : Web Development Tags : Web Development Tips & Tricks MVC

Use of 'nameof' in C#

Sirisha Ancha Team : Web Development Tags : Web Development Tips & Tricks MVC

Magic strings vs. "nameof" property

Usage of magic strings - that's text with quotations - is quite bothersome when maintaining code.

For example, say we have a class Person.

    public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTime BirthDate{ get; set; }
        public string Country{ get; set; }

Let's say we need to build a name value collection for each of the fields of Person class. Traditionally we would write magic strings to build the name value collection as shown below:

    public NameValueCollection GetValue(Person person)
        var nvc = new NameValueCollection();
        nvc.Add("Name", person.Name);
        nvc.Add("BirthDate", person.BirthDate);
        nvc.Add("Country", person.Country);

This works until there are no changes in the field names apart from the fact that it is a cumbersome process to copy each field name as a magic string.

Now let's try using nameof:

    public NameValueCollection GetValue(Person person)
        var nvc = new NameValueCollection();
        nvc.Add(nameof(person.Name), person.Name);
        nvc.Add(nameof(person.BirthDate), person.BirthDate);
        nvc.Add(nameof(person.Country), person.Country);

Using nameof, our code is much cleaner and can withstand any change to the field names.

Other uses

  • To retrieve enum values; Using nameof is much faster compared to using ToString():
      var value = nameof(MyEnum.FooBar);    
  • HTML Action link parameters in MVC:
    return RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Index));
  • MVC controller redirects:
      <%= Html.ActionLink("Sign up", @typeof(UserController), @nameof(UserController.SignUp))%>    
  • ArgumentNullException parameter:
      throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));    
  • To retrieve property names while logging/auditing
  • Any place in the code we need property names

If used the right way, nameof can produce cleaner code faster that is also easy to maintain. It is a simple feature that improves our coding experience.