Queron Jephcott Team : User Experience and Information Architecture Tags : Web Strategy Information Architecture

Trying to ditch the functional specification – part 2

Queron Jephcott Team : User Experience and Information Architecture Tags : Web Strategy Information Architecture

Paper prototyping!

Now, I’m not walking into this blog with the assumption that I’ll throw my digital prototypes out and pick up a pair of scissors. I was reading A List Apart the other day and was interested to see Shawn Medero talking about Paper Prototyping.

Read the full story here

The article doesn’t claim to throw away digital prototypes either (almost) and it’s interesting to explore the basic concepts of wireframe prototyping. A good point Shawn talks about is every web project’s number one enemy, money.

Paper prototyping is a great way to reduce the costs of a digital delivery with a client who has the contemporary mindset, but not the money.

So before diving into the various digital prototyping tools out there, it’s good to have a refresher on prototypes in general and what better place to start, than cut out pieces of paper.
