Wiliam Staff Team : Staff Tags : SEO Sydney Search

Search Engine Optimisation and Marketing

Wiliam Staff Team : Staff Tags : SEO Sydney Search

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expand the volume and quality of website traffic to a web site via search engines.  The key to this is in understand how search results are created; the algorithms and phrases that form a site’s relevance and rank.

Search engine spiders are based in cut and dried math. But it’s intelligent enough to determine the difference between unique content and scraped and other such tricks. That is what raises truly effective SEO and SEM tactics to an art.

Optimising a site’s ranking includes ensuring its meta-tag descriptions, structure, layout, link development, coding, and content are easily indexed to the correct categories. It can seem attractive to buy into “black hat” techniques that use scrape content, stuff keywords, or use link farms but beware. Search engines remove sites that use these practices from their indexes. The best approach is a straight one, that relies on understanding the factors of SEO without crossing the line.

Designing a site to be search-engine friendly is also a matter of being current with the technology. As algorithms are fine tuned and developed, it is important to understand what the changes mean to your site. Information architectures and URL structures need to evolve at the same pace. Keeping a site high in the rankings is not a point in time success but a process, one that reaps high rewards for bringing the audience to your door.