How the internet and mobile devices are being used in 2014

Following Ofcom's publication of 2014 UK Communications Market ReportEconsultancy pulled from it some of the most interesting stats surrounding music, spending and which devices are most favourved. 




Music streaming shows the most obvious generational shift, steadily increasing with every younger generation and you can clearly seeing it take over from Digital Music Collections. 

No surprises that Physical Music Collections are decreasing in the younger generations.

However, what is interesting is the parity between all three formats within the 25 to 34 age group. Showing that this is the time where online became a more important medium to listen to music than accessing one's physical collection. 

Convenience and price are clearly more important than ever, and if people can have it all, then why wouldn't they. 

I suppose it's not only Save The Vinyl anymore as tapes and CDs disappear from the younger generation's vocabularies. 


 Household Devices 


No real surprises in this graph. 

However, still interesting to see the rapid incline in Smartphone and Tablet use, being the pink and light blue lines. 

Smartphone usage has risen from 39% to 51% to 61% in the past three years. 

And tablet usage has almost doubled every year from 11% in 2011 to 24% and 44% at the end of 2013. 

I wonder if that number will double again to 80% by the end of this year as we can see below, tablets are now the preferred device for internet access. 


Most Important Device



With more people browsing in lean back mode, the tablet is increasingly important for ecommerce, now outnumbering the smartphone. 

However, spending from mobile devices is still increasing. 


Mobile Spend


The proportion of mobile internet users purchasing goods has increased from 20% to 24%, 2013 to 2014.

With these shoppers, not only growing in number, but also spending more each quarter.

Mobile Advertising

Mobile Advertising

Mobile ad expenditure has doubled to more than £1bn in 2013. With 2014 also proving to be a big year for mobile ads.