Tags : Mobile Web

Adapting Your Website for Mobile

Tags : Mobile Web

With this year being acclaimed as the year of the mobile, you can predict that a lot of companies are scrambling to take advantage of this. Unfortunately this is not the case due to a common problem amongst companies. How to adapt their content for the mobile device.

Over 51% companies are sinking their time and resources into this challenge. This in itself is causing a greater challenge for companies trying to maintain financial security in the current financial environment. With constant releases of iPhones, iPads, tablets and Android Smartphones, the trend is defiantly well and truly focused on dedicated content and a marketing strategy for the mobile device.

Again this is where companies are not taking advantage of this major worldwide trend. It has been found only around 20% of corporate websites currently provide support for mobile devices on their websites. Couple that with companies struggling to adapt their current site, we are left with a very large hole in which the space is very much open for companies to jump in and stake a claim to the mobile space.

Technology is moving rapidly and with the increase in Location-Based Marketing, Mobile Video Marketing and Mobile Payments, you can increase your online traffic and therefore increase sales and profitability.

Before embarking on the development of your new web site, take time to have a look at how the mobile website and devices can harness the power of your business and propel it into a league above your competitors. With strong marketing and good quality content strategies you can ensure a smooth launch in both spaces and take advantage of the millions jumping on board the juggernaut of mobile platforms.